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Bridging the Digital and Tangible Worlds by Connecting NFTs and Physical Art

Updated: Jul 12, 2023

Understanding NFTs: The Digital Revolution

What are NFTs?

Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) are distinct cryptographic tokens that exist on a blockchain and represent a distinct digital asset or value. NFTs, unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, cannot be exchanged like-for-like, hence their 'non-fungible' character. These tokens contain unique information that distinguishes them from one another.

Bored Ape highest value NFT $3.4 million

How Do NFTs Work?

Consider NFTs to be digital collectibles. Each NFT has unique information included in its metadata that allows it to be identified. This data is saved on a blockchain, which is a decentralised and secure digital record commonly linked with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.

Physical Art: An Enduring Expression

The Charm of Physical Art

Because art is subjective, its appraisal can be complicated. A physical artwork's value can be determined by a variety of criteria, including the artist's reputation, the art's condition, historical relevance, provenance, and market demand.

Connecting NFTs and Physical Art
The Digital-Physical Crossover

As the lines between the virtual and actual worlds blur, an exciting crossover - a marriage of NFTs and tangible art - emerges. Artists are increasingly tokenizing their physical artworks into NFTs, bridging the gap between the tangible and virtual.

Here's a heads up incase you missed it....

EVERYTHING is going to be tokenised in the next 5 to 10 years even your house!!

yes that's correct don't believe me? Check here then type in florida for the search the term

Its already started, the future is here and you are still early.

Tokenizing Physical Art

Tokenizing physical art entails generating a digital representation of the artwork on the blockchain as an NFT. This digital doppelganger is inextricably tied to the physical counterpart. As a result, purchasing an NFT frequently entails acquiring ownership rights to the actual artwork.

Benefits of Connecting NFTs and Physical Art

Enhanced Provenance Tracking

Improved provenance monitoring is one of the key benefits. Each transaction linked with the artwork is documented using blockchain technology. This increases the artwork's authenticity and traceability, hence increasing its value.

Democratizing Art Ownership

Artists are democratising art ownership by producing a digital doppelganger of actual art. This is particularly true for high-value pieces, because digital tokens can be fractionalized, allowing numerous people to possess a portion of the artwork.

Challenges in Connecting NFTs and Physical Art
Ownership Disputes

The possibility of ownership conflicts is a significant challenge. Because the real artwork and its digital token can be separated, it might be difficult to determine ownership when the two diverge.

This is why at ART by MJ we create a certificate of ownership and and originating address shown on the art work along with an invoice proof of purchase. All of these things will prove to increase the value over time just like a toy car with its original box.

Environmental Concerns

Another challenge is environmental impact. The blockchain technology used for some NFTs relies heavily on energy-intensive processes, raising questions about sustainability in the art industry.

This is why we use the XRP Ledger for our NFT's it is enviromently friendly, lighting fast, ISO200022 compliant and very cheap to transact

The Future of Connecting NFTs and Physical world "Phygital"

Virtual and physical Galleries and Exhibitions

I have been in the blockchain and crypto business now for 4 years with extensive research and I can tell you this for certain....

The future seems bright and filled with exciting possibilities

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